University Courses Projma Project managment (like Trello) NQueens This project is for AI course and solved by Hill Climbing algorithm. Pacman This project is for AI course and solved by MiniMax/ExpectiMax algorithm. QLearning Implementation This project is for AI course and is related to QLearning algorithm. Snake Game This project is for AI course and is solved by 3 similar algorithms. BFS, DFS and A-Star. Sudoku This project is for AI course and is solved by 2 algorithms. BackTracking and CSP. Persian Sentiment Analysis This project is for Deep Learning course. Bipedal Walker This project is for AI course and is solved by QLearning approach. ID/Credit Card This project is for Computer Vision course. Semantic Segmentation Segmenting the solarpanel using data augmentation Object Detection I had to detect the solarpanels in an image using Yolov7 Implementing MLP(Function Estimation) I implemented MLP class from scratch and trained it on function estimation Pendulum, Fuzzy Controle I made a system based on fuzzy rules for Pendulum game Genetic Programing(Roots of polynomial) In this project I had to find the roots of polynomial using Genetic Programing Coursera Fine Tune BERT for Text Classification Text Classification(Sincere, Insincere)